Find the lastest tips to make incentive compensation an asset for your teams' motivation

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    Companies need to reinvent the role of manager
    Once considered an aspirational position, the role of manager is becoming less and less attractive to young workers. This is because the role is unclear and man...
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    Why does incentive compensation require special expertise?
    For over two and a half decades, Primeum has been building up its expertise in incentive compensation. From assessment to the implementation of effective system...
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    The freedom-form company: a look into 3 payroll innovations
    According to Isaac Getz, lecturer at the ESCP Business School, “the freedom-from company” is a business approach founded on staff responsibility and freedom. So...
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    Employers: how should you react to the “Great Resignation” phenomenon?
    France appears to be catching up with the US and the “Great Resignation” whirlwind, with increases in normal staff departures and the number of resignations goi...
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    Is your incentive compensation plan effective?
    Your sales-force incentive compensation scheme must be well constructed if you want it to make sense and motivate your staff. And to achieve this, your system w...
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    Is it time to put an end to working-from-home?
    Covid-19 and its associated lockdown periods forced governments and businesses to adopt and impose a work-from-home policy on their staff. This work-from-home p...
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    The vital training of human resources staff in incentive compensation
    Incentive compensation is a unique motivational tool in companies. But for it to be fully effective, it is important that employees have a clear and detailed un...
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    Incentive compensation in four concrete cases: choosing the right KPIs
    Incentive compensation is usually associated with sales teams. However, the variable component of remuneration is an important criterion in the recruitment and ...
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    HR directors: key partners in the implementation of incentive compensation
    Changes to a company’s employee remuneration system can lead to resistance. It is not uncommon for the introduction of incentive compensation to be met with sce...
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    Why should discretionary bonuses be abolished?
    Discretionary bonuses, which are popular with many managers, are a bonus that employees can receive. The freedom given to employers to allocate them makes them ...
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    How do you implement a new bonus system in five steps?
    Very often, bonuses are perceived negatively by employees, being accused of encouraging competition between colleagues. But when it comes to implementing a majo...
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    Grey-collar workers: an emerging trend
    In a market with a historic labour shortage, there is an urgent need for companies to find in-house talent. Long-neglected profiles are proving to be as valuabl...
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    The 10 golden rules of incentive compensation

    Optimize your incentive compensation plans with this exclusive content white paper.

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