Find the lastest tips to make incentive compensation an asset for your teams' motivation

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    Homeworking: should salaries by adjusted to employees' place of residence?
    In 2018, the proportion of homeworkers varied between 2% in the countries of Southeastern Europe (Greece, Croatia and Bulgaria) and 15% in the countries of Nort...
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    Incentive compensation in response to the war for streaming services: the Netflix scenario
    “There’s never been a better time to be a content producer,” said Netflix boss Reed Hasting during a visit to Paris for the unveiling of a new distribution agre...
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    Modernisation of incentive compensation: from simple commission rates to the most sophisticated calculation algorithms
    While managers and executives are now familiar with the three main types of incentive compensation, a number of lesser-known calculation methods exist, each off...
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    Tackling incentive compensation for sales teams in the retail sector
    Another edition of Paris Retail Week has come and gone, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to take a look at the major challenges the retail sector ...
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    Should bankers' bonuses be uncapped in order to boost performance?
    European banks want to get rid of bonus caps, and are calling into question the limitation measures imposed by Brussels upon banking firms in the European Union...
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    Why do companies consider more and more the outsourcing of the calculation and co-ordination of their incentive compensation ?
    While the health crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic has required companies to adapt their incentive compensation systems, this also raises questions about t...
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    Covid-19 : How should the annual performance review be conducted remotely ?
    An annual performance review involves evaluating an employee’s professional skills, identifying his strengths and areas for improvement, taking stock of his per...
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    Covid 19 : the need to review objectives
    The health crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on sales may mean the incentive compensation schemes for sales teams need adapting. Many avenue...
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    What are the main incentive compensation questions to be asked in order to restart the activity at crisis end?
    Depending on the type of business, the lockdown’s impact on sales will be more or less strong and might change in time. For the majority of businesses, there is...
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    To what extend can the objectives be fixed unilaterally?
    The unilateral setting of objectives by the employer must meet strict conditions. Indeed, the employer is obliged to set objectives, called "SMART", specific, m...
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    5 examples of bonuses that serve no purpose
    There’s the heatwave bonus, ethics bonus, loyalty bonus, attendance bonus, CRM logging bonus, etc. - are all these bonuses really necessary? While a heatwave bo...
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    Can your best sales rep really become a good manager?
    If you have a top sales rep who’s getting ready to take on a managerial role, you may be wondering how to oversee this delicate transition. While rising to mana...
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    The 10 golden rules of incentive compensation

    Optimize your incentive compensation plans with this exclusive content white paper.

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